First Picture from space of new Genoa Bridge
On 29 April 2020 the Italian SAR satellite constellation COSMO-SkyMed, promoted and funded by Italian Space Agency (ASI), acquired the first picture from space of the new bridge of Genoa (IT) after the collapse of Morandi Bridge the 14th of August 2018. Space assets and the continuous improvments of remote sensing techniques and data processing, could be of crucial support for infrastructures monitoring and characterization. (Image Rights: COSMO-SkyMed©ASI, 2020, processed and distributed by e-GEOS)

Morandi bridge from COSMO-SkyMed Spotlight mode during demolition stage post-collapse. Sensing date: 2019-03-19 at 05:10:43 UTC.

New Genoa bridge from COSMO-SkyMed Spotlight mode. Sensing date: 2020-04-29 at 17:26:44 UTC.